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Different types of industrial diamond powder

Normmally, there are 3 types of industrial diamond powder on the market: single crystal diamond powder, polycrystalline diamond powder and nano diamond powder.

Different types of industrial diamond powder
Single crystal diamond micropowder is produced from artificial diamond single crystal abrasive grains, which are crushed and reshaped, and produced by a special process.

Polycrystalline diamond powder is made from graphite by a unique directional blasting method. The shock wave of the high-explosive explosive directional blasting accelerates the flying of the metal flyer and hits the graphite sheet, thereby causing the graphite to be converted into polycrystalline diamond. Its structure is very similar to that of natural carbonado diamond. Its particles are composed of tiny diamond grains combined by unsaturated bonds and have good toughness. However, due to the limitation of synthesis conditions, the manufacturer of polycrystalline diamond powder is less, the product cost is higher,

Diamond micropowder has high hardness and good wear resistance, and can be widely used in cutting, grinding, drilling etc. It is an ideal raw material for grinding and polishing hard alloys, ceramics, gemstones, optical glass and other high hardness materials. Diamond micropowder products are tools and components made from diamond micropowder.

Diamond micropowder belongs to micron, submicron and nanopowder in terms of its particle size. Compared with coarse-grained powder, its specific surface area and specific surface functional groups are significantly increased, so in the production process, the interaction force between particles is greatly increased. In addition, with the refinement of particle size, the defects of the particles themselves are reduced, and the strength must increase. It can be seen that the production process of diamond micropowder is quite difficult. It is not only a process of particle refinement, but also accompanied by changes in crystal structure and surface physical and chemical properties. Therefore, the production process of diamond powder is a multi-disciplinary engineering and technical issue involving machinery, powder engineering, mechanics, physical chemistry, modern instruments and testing technology.

Traditional diamond powder can be divided into two categories, polycrystalline diamond powder and single crystal diamond powder. With the rapid development of nanotechnology, a new type of diamond-like micropowder has emerged independently from the original two major diamond-like micropowders: nano-diamond micropowder.

Different applications for different diamond powders:

1. Single crystal diamond powder

The crystal shape of single crystal diamond micropowder is regular and complete hexahedral, with high strength, toughness and good thermal stability, and strong impact resistance.

Usages: It is suitable for the manufacture of electroplating products, grinding wheels, grinding wheels, polishing of high-grade stone, engraving, processing of automobile glass, high-grade furniture, ceramics, cemented carbide, magnetic materials, etc.

2. Polycrystalline diamond powder

Polycrystalline diamond is synthesized under the action of the transient strong shock wave formed by the explosion. It is a micron and submicron polycrystalline composed of nanocrystals. Because of the isotropy, no cleavage surface, high impact resistance and high bending strength, it has the hardness of superhard materials and the nanometer The material has exceptionally high strength and high toughness. Its dual advantages constitute its unique physical properties, and it has important applications in high-tech industries and traditional pillar industries.

Application: Mainly used in the fields of chip optical crystal\ultra-fine processing, large-scale silicon wafer ultra-fine polishing, surface modification, etc. The spherical polycrystalline diamond powder has a gray-black appearance and a slightly metallic luster.

3. Nano diamond powder

Nano-diamond powder not only has the inherent characteristics of diamond, but also has small size effect, large specific surface area effect, quantum size effect, etc., thus showing the characteristics of nanomaterials. The diamond synthesized in the detonation wave has a cubic structure, the lattice constant is (0.3562+0.0003) nm, the crystal density is 3.1g/cm3, and the specific surface area is 300m2/g~390m2/g. After different chemical treatments, a variety of different functional groups can be formed on the diamond surface, and this diamond crystal has a high adsorption capacity.

Other applications of nano-diamond powder:

2021/04/26 14:11:48